Create/Edit Profiles

Please make use of the #site-info-bot on our discord server to find out what type of profile is needed for what site. Only open and edit profiles using a csv editor like rons editor. Windows text editor is not a .csv editor!

The profile creation menu is accessed through the "Create/Edit Profiles" Tab within the bot.

As explained in the Introduction theres 2 basic types of profiles here. In order to generate real data profiles use the template creation function in the bot and manually fill it. To create a random data profile we recommend using our in built Google Maps Scraper if you have your own way of acquiring real random addresses you can of course use that and manually fill a template.

Footlocker is the only site requiring different profiles from the rest, please referr to the Footlocker profile creation module. In return this means all normal profiles are usable on all other sites. You should however as explained above have atleast 1 real and 1 random data profile.

Phone numbers need to be added to each profile manually, use the phone number generator.

If CC data is required for the raffle you are trying to enter enter it in the following formats:

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